Roasted Asparagus with Balsamic & Oregano

When I started this website over six years ago, I had a second-hand point and shoot camera and no understanding of white balance. I’ve come along way since those early days and I’ve even sold a few photos, but I’m constantly trying to improve. Some days I shoot photos that I am really proud of, other days I can’t seem to get close to what I want. This weekend, I’m extremely pleased to be taking part in the creativeLIVE free food photography course with my (hands-down) favorite food photographer, the incredible Penny De Los Santos. If you have any interest in food photography, I highly recommend joining in.

I recently bought my first real DSLR camera. A Canon 60D with a 50mm f/1.4. It was quite a financial splurge, but I was lucky to find manufacturer refurbished pieces for a bit less than expected. I have a lot to learn, but I’m loving it. Many thanks to Penny and creativeLIVE for offering a free class. It’s fascinating to watch Penny’s work-flow and I’m learning a ton.

The farmers market is bursting with gorgeous bunches of asparagus. This is a nice side dish for hot early summer days. It has a lot of flavor, but it only requires a short time in the oven so your home won’t overheat.

Roasted Asparagus with Oregano and Balsamic


25 spears of asparagus
2 Tbl olive oil
black pepper, freshly ground
2 Tbl oregano leaves, fresh
2 Tbl oregano balsamic vinegar*


Preheat oven to 375F. Wash and trim the asparagus spears. Arrange in a single layer on a roasting pan, drizzle with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Use your hands to evenly coat the spears. Top with oregano. Bake for 15 minutes. Rotate and shake the pan to turn the asparagus while baking.

Remove the asparagus from the oven when it is bright green and beginning to slightly char. Season with balsamic and shaved parmesan. Serve immediately.

(*Any balsamic will work. The sweetness is a perfect complement to the other flavors in this dish. I have an assortment of wonderful vinegars form Old Town Oil in Chicago. This oregano balsamic has a subtle flavor that really shines here.)


show hide 8 comments

Nicholas - That top photo is the best food picture I’ve ever seen. Not just best one you’ve taken. It’s really beautiful.

Nicholas - That top photo is the best food picture I’ve ever seen. Not just best one you’ve taken. It’s really beautiful.

Gemma - Thank you. That’s sweet.

Gemma - Thank you. That’s sweet.

Evan - You are definitely putting your new camera equipment to good use!

Evan - You are definitely putting your new camera equipment to good use!

Gemma - Thanks Evan! It’s so nice to have a lens that helps me sharply focus. It makes a world of difference!

Gemma - Thanks Evan! It’s so nice to have a lens that helps me sharply focus. It makes a world of difference!

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