Vacation and BlogHer

I will be in Waupaca, Wisconsin with my family for the next week. You can read about this lovely place in some older posts.  I intend to consume my fill of cheese curds, Ting pop and New Glarus beer. 

I will be returning this weekend for the BlogHer Conference here in Chicago.  I only have the time and money to attend the second day, but I am quite excited to meet so many other bloggers, especially food bloggers that I have been reading for quite some time.  I will be sure to post about the conference while I am there.  You can still sign-up if you are interested in attending. 

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bitey - i’m a lurker and i’ve been enjoying your blog for a while. when i saw the post about waupaca i knew i had to leave a comment…i’m from wisconsin (a small town east of waupaca actually), i lived in chicago for 6 years and now we’re in baltimore. (it was a strange journey from WI > chicago > madison > baltimore) it’s great to see info on chicago, baltimore, and now WI. will you be going to weasel’s or two lakes? my mom lives for their shrimp pizza…
carry on!

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